Experience turning a color e-ink paper display into a digital picture frame…and learning rust along the way.

This is not something i expected myself to be writing about, but i think the hurdles, learning and overall experience doing this project are worth a blog post.

A close friend of mine had started tinkering with a color e-ink display a while ago, we talked about it and she proposed me to buy a bigger version of the display. Since we had planned to meet up it was a good idea for a time sink anyway, so i ordered a 7.3inch ACeP 7-Color E-Paper E-Ink Display Module, a starter electrics bundle and a debug probe for the Raspberry Pico W, totally unaware of what rabbithole i was signing up to. I should mention that my friend provided the PI pico at first.

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My experience going to Dokomi for the first time

I’ve never been to a Anime convention before, infact due to the social anxiety created by the [Depression]({% link _posts/2024-01-07-depression.md %}) i had avoided big crowds alltogether for a good while.

But after the stay at the Day clinic was over at the start of June, i decided to go with my friends, as i was staying in the area of the convention anyways.

What is Dokomi

The Dokomi is one of the biggest anime and manga conventions in europe, receiving well over 100.000 guests.

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What Cameras i use and why

I’ve done a lot of photography in my teens, mostly animal photography. But i stopped around 2020-2021. Recently though ive found a big interest again in picking up photography again as a way to distract myself and keep myself busy with something i enjoy. I mostly do street photography and animal photography.

Do you even need cameras though?

No you don’t, the aspect for me that makes photography special is the moment you capture, the play with subjects, light and so on. Our phones these days have thanks to very good sensors and software gotten to the point where from a technical standpoint the pictures they produce are extremely good, but i still do not photograph with my phone at all, i’ll say why next but know i really don’t mind Smartphone photography and i think its a great medium. But why don’t i use my phone then?

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Depression 2

In the last post i talked about my first experience with Depression.

What happened since then

I wrote the first article in January. I was sadly at the start of my second depressive phase there.

Compared to the first Depressive phase, this had some events which i think triggered or “supported” the worsing of the second phase.

On the one hand i lost my job at Bun in late November(i also created a blog post about that), which was very surprising and also took away a purpose, a thing i had to do. I lost that purpose unexpectedly without a connecting job, i’ve done a few small jobs since then but these where for the money more then for actual purpose.

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I’m not even sure where exactly to start here, who this is for or why exactly i’m writing it but supposedly it’s if you want to learn about the topic or hear my experiences with it, how it changed me and how i cope with relapse.

What IS depression

This might seem unnecessary but its very important. In my experience the word “depression” is not only stigmatized but also misused a lot. It’s, how do i put this, what people often call depression on a short notice isn’t depression. moreover its feelings of boredom, sadness or remorse. I don’t want in any way to discredit or downplay those feelings, they are very real and might well require treatment, but they are not depression.

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Getting let go suddenly of a company i liked working at

In my last post i proudly said im working for Bun, well that didn’t exactly last long. To be clear i don’t want to accuse anyone of the bun team, its more just writing down my thoughts.

What happened

Frankly i’m still processing that myself and if i had a definite answer i would give you it but i don’t have one so this is just thoughts.

On friday Jarred asked if we could chat, i answered a bit later but didn’t get a response, i tried again Saturday and Sunday, but i only got a response on Monday evening(my time) short notice which i was fine with, buuut it was basically: We are terminating the contract effective immediately.

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My issue with Next.js and other react based frameworks

I’m aware this is a controversial topic, i don’t want to suggest that these frameworks are bad or unnecessary, but rather add my opinion to what i think over them

How this started

I’ve not done a lot with react lately, im more working with native languages, doing zig and c++ at bun, but ive done a fair share of react development in my life at blitz, giggl and personally too. But i’m coming from the create react app days, long before frameworks like next, remix and the likes where that popular.

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About loosing a discord account, getting it back and the Discord support

Hah, i would never lose my discord account, how could this ever happen to anyone EVER whos not actively trying to, believe me i thought that too, i was sure i wouldnt ever get my account stolen, but i still did, so let me tell you a story, with some key takeaways along the way, even for experienced users.

How it started

Date: 13th January 2022

I am Administrator on a larger Discord server, > 100.000 users, i wont be mentioning the name here, not because i want to hide it, but rather because its not important for this story.

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iRacing and kernel developing

So you do windows kernel development but then one day decide you want to play iRacing? Heres my story:

The Problem

I like motorsport, its not a secret, on that day i wanted to play some iRacing to see the Mercedes Benz AMG W12 which was developed for the iRacing simulator. But surprise i also develop! And while i do not mainly work on windows, i have a ssd in my tower running windows for some games or when i test/develop windows specific things…and it happens that around 4-5 months ago i did some kernel development/testing regarding Genshin impact reverse work.

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Weed experienced the other way…

note the times are in european standard but 12-23 is pm, 0-8 is am

Where do i start on this one, well at the beginning i suppose. I am generally open towards drugs, not extreme since i am very aware of the dangers but i also see the benifits and thus i am rather open towards them.

The beginning.

I will try to hold this short, basically this friday evening i planned to do hash brownies with two of my friends… i will not disclose their names for privacy reasons since this is about me. But all of us are adults and non of us is imature or silly in their actions, normally

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